Upload Social Messages from a CSV File (Spreadsheet)
Schedule up to 365 social messages all at one time with Bulk Social Upload. With bulk social upload, you can upload a CSV file of prepared rows and then schedule them with a few clicks.
In the upload process, you will able to preview and edit each message - giving you the opportunity to add images and schedule messages to multiple social profiles. Bulk scheduling will alert you to any errors found in specific messages, so you can quickly fix the issues or delete a message.
Note: Bulk Social Upload is available in Social Calendar, Content Calendar, and Marketing Suite.
Prepare Bulk Social Upload File
To eliminate any errors, download our sample template. You can fill in up to 365 rows of the CSV upload file. Note: When pasting your text from another document to the template, please format it to match the style in the template.Note: You cannot bulk upload images in the CSV file. Instead, add images while editing uploaded messages.
Formatting Rules
When uploading your CSV to the Bulk Social Uploader, CoSchedule will look for four columns. Text, Link, Date, and Time.- Text: This will be the text in the body of the social message. Social helpers can be added to files that are being uploaded to an existing campaign.
- Link: Add a URL to any social message. Leaving this blank will default the message to a Text-type message.
- Date: Must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Any other date format will result in a date not being automatically added to the social message.
- Time: It is in the 24hr format and must be formatted as HH:MM. (03:00 = 3:00am and 13:00 = 1:00pm) You can also type in 'best' to schedule as Best Time Scheduling.