Write Better Email Subject Lines In CoSchedule Calendar Products

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Mara Lysne

Published July 10, 2023
/ Updated July 27, 2023
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Published July 10, 2023
/ Updated July 27, 2023

The success of your email campaigns depends on one crucial element: the subject line. You are 40x more likely to get noticed via email than on Facebook which makes your email subject lines even more important. With the help of your CoSchedule Calendar, you can create subject lines that pack a punch!

CoSchedule Calendar products have tools to help you write better subject lines. Here’s how:

  • Generate Headline Ideas To Beat Writer’s Block: AI tools help generate subject line ideas in seconds.
  • Optimize Headlines Using Email Subject Line Tester: Drive more conversion, guarantee delivery to your audience, and get more return on investment.

Now let’s jump in to see how you can write better email subject lines.

Step 1: Generate Subject Line Ideas With AI Marketing Assistant

Add the Marketing Assistant Attachment to your project and ask Mia to generate subject line ideas for your email subject lines.

Mia can provide you with instant access to loads of subject line ideas & Mia will assist you in generating answers to any of your questions, ensuring your subject lines result in higher engagement within your email.

Chat with Mia to unlock inspiration and creativity.

Step 2: Choose Your Favorite Subject Line

Select your favorite subject line ideas that you think will hook your email subscribers.

Copy your winning headline to optimize it for click-throughs.

Step 3: Utilize the Email Subject Line Tester

Fine-tune your subject line using our email subject line tester. This powerful tool helps you optimize your subject lines based on industry best practices and proven data.

Achieve higher open rates and drive engagement with subject lines that pack a punch.

By utilizing the power of your CoSchedule Calendar, you’ll save time by streamlining the process, spark your creativity with Mia, boost your email open rates & stay ahead of the competition with our cutting-edge tools.

Don’t Settle for Mediocre Subject Lines – try your CoSchedule Calendar today!