Execute Your Podcast Strategy With CoSchedule Calendars

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Mara Lysne

Published July 13, 2023
/ Updated November 8, 2023
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Published July 13, 2023
/ Updated November 8, 2023

Say goodbye to scattered ideas and missed deadlines – CoSchedule Calendars organize your podcast content strategy from start to finish. Stay on track, plan ahead, and execute with precision – all in one centralized hub.

Why Use CoSchedule Calendars To Manage Your Podcast Strategy?

  • Consolidate and Access All Your Podcast Episode Ideas in One Place. Instead of losing track of ideas in a spreadsheet or notepad, use Idea Bin to prioritize podcast episode ideas, & more.
  • Standardize Your Podcast Workflows. The all-in-one platform helps with planning, creating, scheduling, & promoting your podcast episodes. This helps you save time & simplifies your process.
  • Meet deadlines for episode drop dates. You can create workflows to make sure your podcast episode is ready for launch without missing a deadline.

CoSchedule Calendars help you keep your podcast process and content organized, so you can achieve your podcasting goals. Here’s how to make that happen.

Add And Plan Podcast Projects To Your Calendar

Outline your podcast release schedule on your Calendar. Add each episode as a project on the designated drop date to maintain a consistent schedule.

Whether you drop a new episode every week or monthly, CoSchedule Calendars help you visualize your schedule to keep plans on track.

Create A Saved View Of Your Podcast Calendar

Need an uncluttered view of your podcast strategy? Create a saved view of your Podcast Calendar to easily review and manage your upcoming episodes.

This view allows you to stay proactive in your podcast planning, creating a smooth and well-coordinated podcasting experience.

Move Ideas From Your Backlog To Your Podcast Calendar

When you’re ready to add new podcast episodes to your calendar, browse through your backlog of episode ideas stored in the Idea Bin.

Select your next best episode idea. Then drag and drop it from Idea Bin to the date you plan to publish the episode.

Create A Consistent Podcasting Process

Once your podcast episode is scheduled, assign a task template to start creating your next podcast episode.

This template should include all the steps in your podcast production and promotion process.

This can include tasks like:

  • Draft script
  • Prepare interview questions
  • Write show notes
  • Record episode
  • Edit episode
  • Publish episode
  • And more!

Your task template includes task assignments and required deadlines for each task.  Having a standard process makes it easy to confirm every step is completed on time to meet your publishing cadence.

Use AI Project Assistant To Draft Show Notes & More

Wish you could speed up your process? Ask Mia, CoSchedule’s Marketing Intelligence Assistant for help.

Mia can help draft show notes or come up with titles for your podcast episodes.

Edit and refine Mia’s first-draft to make sure episode titles and show notes will resonate with your audience.

Promote Your Episodes On Social Media

Next you’re ready to share your newest episodes on social media. Create a Social Campaign to promote your new episodes as soon as they’re ready for listeners.

Use pre-designed Social Templates to create a consistent social promotion schedule for new episodes across various social media platforms.

This way, you can consistently promote new episodes until the next episode is live. Maximize engagement to help increase downloads and listens.

To quickly draft messages, you can use CoSchedule’s AI Social Assistant to easily generate social message copy that meets best practices for each social network to maximize engagement.

CoSchedule’s AI Social Assistant instantly drafts social messages for you, so you can focus on strategy instead of writing copy.

Don’t let disorganization and missed deadlines hold your podcast back. Start Executing Your Podcast Strategy with CoSchedule Calendars Today!