Creating and Using Marketing Campaign Templates

Note: Marketing Campaign Templates are available in Content Calendar, Agency Pro, and Marketing Suite.
The Marketing Campaign template feature allows you to save a template version of a marketing campaign that you can reuse for similar campaigns, allowing you to easily duplicate settings and saving time on repetitive tasks. Use marketing campaign templates to automatically create campaigns on a recurring schedule. Any user can implement a saved Marketing Campaign Template, but only admin users can create, edit, save, and delete templates.

Creating a New Marketing Campaign Template

You can create a Marketing Campaign template either from an existing campaign or from scratch. To create a Marketing Campaign template from scratch, follow these steps:
  1. In your calendar settings, under Templates, click Marketing Campaign.
  2. Click New Template.
To create a new Marketing Campaign template from an existing campaign, follow these steps:
  1. From the calendar page, click the marketing campaign you'd like to turn into a template.
  2. When viewing the campaign, click the ellipsis icon, then select Save as Template.
  3. You'll see a blue Marketing Campaign Template header appear at the top of the page to indicate you are working with a template.
When you create a Marketing Campaign Template from an existing campaign, all the content and settings from the original project are preserved, with the following exceptions:
  • Any discussion will not be duplicated in the template.
  • For any scheduled items, times are preserved, and dates become relative to the scheduled date of the campaign. For example, if the original campaign was scheduled for September 5th, with a social post scheduled to publish at 8:00 AM on September 7th, the Marketing Campaign Template will have that social post scheduled to publish at 8:00 AM two days after the day campaign is scheduled. This same relative scheduling applies to tasks.
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Using a Marketing Campaign Template

Once you have created a Marketing Campaign Template, you can use it as the basis for future campaigns. To use a Marketing Campaign Template, follow these steps:
  1. From the Calendar, click Create, or click on the day you'd like to schedule the campaign.
  2. Click From Template...
  3. In the Choose a Template panel, select the template you want to use.
  4. A new campaign will be created from the marketing campaign template. You can edit and schedule this campaign as usual, without affecting the original template.
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Set a Recurring Schedule

Automatically add repeating campaigns to your calendar by setting a recurring schedule. From your Template Settings page, click into any template, then click Repeat. From there, you can:
  • Set the desired frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).
  • Choose which day of the recurring campaign will be scheduled on.
  • Choose when it begins and how long it will continue to repeat.
  • Choose how many weeks into the future you want to see items scheduled on the calendar.
After you apply a recurring Marketing Campaign Template, you'll see the next set of items on your calendar based how far into the future you chose to see items scheduled. This allows your team to see upcoming events in order to plan ahead without cluttering your calendar with notifications that are too far in the future. Editing a campaign that was created from a recurring schedule will not change any other campaign. Back To Top

Deleting Recurring Marketing Campaigns

To delete future instances of a Marketing Campaign in bulk, in your calendar settings, under Templates, click Marketing Campaign. In the Usage column, click the number of future instances. You can delete any individual instance that currently appears on your calendar, or choose Bulk delete all future marketing campaigns. Instances of the Marketing Campaign that have been edited will not be deleted and will be marked [Recovered] on your calendar. Back To Top

Editing a Marketing Campaign Template

You can easily access and edit existing Marketing Campaign Templates at any time. When you edit a template, the changes only apply to future campaigns created from the template. Existing campaigns will be unaffected. Please note that only admins can edit Marketing Campaign Templates. To edit a Marketing Template, follow these steps:
  1. In the Calendar Settings menu, under Templates, click Marketing Campaigns.
  2. Select the template you want to edit and make your desired changes.
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