How To Write A Vision Statement (+ 20 Real-Life Examples)

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Megan Jeromchek

Published September 14, 2022
/ Updated April 17, 2024
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Published September 14, 2022
/ Updated April 17, 2024

Your vision statement tells consumers what your big-picture goals are for your brand. This is invaluable when 71% of consumers today actively buy from brands that share their values.

The best brands are able to concisely state what they do, what they hope to achieve, and why their brand will have a big impact on the world. This is where a vision statement comes into play. It highlights the aspirations you have for your brand and what you ultimately want to achieve.

What Is A Vision Statement?

Vision Statement Definition

A vision statement outlines what you want the future of your business to look like. It’s often idealistic and aims to inspire potential customers and employees. In many cases, a vision statement will highlight how a brand will have an impact on the world and how customers will feel when they make a purchase.

Because the vision statement describes a brand’s purpose, it’s a great way to articulate any desired characteristics and values while also ensuring everyone involved can see the bigger picture. It’s a crucial part of the branding process.

Recommended: Vision Statement Generator

The Difference Between A Vision Statement & Mission Statement

Vision Statement

A vision statement is inspirational. It outlines where a brand would like to be in the future and what it hopes to achieve.

Mission Statement

A mission statement is more concrete and practical. It highlights a business’s objectives and the steps it’ll take to get there – it provides the foundations from which your marketing strategy and operations can grow.

At CoSchedule, our vision is that we want CoSchedule products and training to be a key part of every marketer’s toolkit.

How To Craft A Vision Statement

Creating a vision statement will help you put into words what you hope your business will grow into and your big-picture dreams. Here are some questions to consider when writing your vision statement.

What Does Our Company Do?

Think about what kind of products or services you sell and who you sell them to. It’s also worth considering what makes you stand out and if there’s anything unique about how you operate as a brand.

What Are Some Of Our Core Values?

Consider what your main values are as a brand. Are you all about sustainability? Do you put a big emphasis on community? Think about what makes your brand unique and, more importantly, why that makes you unique.

How Do We Describe Our Company Culture?

Explore what it’s like to work at your company. Speak to team members to get their insider opinions and identify what your company culture looks like now or what you want it to look like in the future.

Where Do We See Our Company In 5-10 Years?

The age-old question. Dig deep into what you hope to achieve with your brand over the next decade. Are there any big milestones you’d like to reach? Do you have big dreams about becoming the best-known brand in your industry?

What Kind Of Impact Do We Want To Have On Our Customers?

Your customers are your biggest asset. Think about what impact you want your business to have on them and how you want them to feel when they interact with your brand. How will you help them achieve their goals? What big pain points are you solving?

What Kind Of Impact Do We Want To Have On Our Industry?

Next, consider your positioning in your industry. Are you doing things differently from other brands? How will your brand impact the industry, and what are you hoping to change?

How Do We Go Above & Beyond Our Competitors?

Determine how you stand out above your competitors. What are you doing differently to them, and how do you want to separate yourselves from them in the future? One easy way to think about this is to identify why customers choose your brand over another.

20 Real-Life Vision Statement Examples

Now you know what a vision statement is, why it’s important, and how you can create your own. Let’s take a look at some real-life inspiration. We’ve pulled together 20 vision statement examples from big-name brands so you can see it all in action.


Vision statement: To create a better everyday life for the many people


IKEA’s vision statement doesn’t mention its furniture products at all. Instead, it highlights the intangible things it wants to give its customers and how it will have a bigger impact on the world than simply selling flat-pack furniture.

2. Spotify

Vision Statement: We envision a cultural platform where professional creators can break free of their medium’s constraints and where everyone can enjoy an immersive artistic experience that enables us to empathize with each other and to feel part of a greater whole.


Spotify’s vision statement is very specific and detailed. It talks about who it wants to help and what it wants to help them to do.

3. Charity Water

Vision Statement: Together, we can end the water crisis.


Charity Water is a charity, which means its vision statement is about changing the world in a big way. Its lofty dreams target a very sensitive topic that’s affecting many people around the world.

4. Tesla

Vision Statement: To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.


It’s no surprise that Tesla has a big vision. It has a very specific aim of driving the change to electric vehicles.

5. Adobe

Vision Statement: Change the world through digital experiences.


Adobe’s vision statement boldly states it wants to change the world with what it does. The vision is a big one, but a household name like Adobe has the potential to be world-changing.

6. Delta

Vision Statement: Connect the world. Reflect the world. Respect the world.


Delta’s vision nods to its travel-based products while highlighting how it hopes to impact the world with its offerings.

7. Intel

Vision Statement: We create world-changing technology that improves the life of every person on the planet.


Intel’s vision statement actually highlights what the brand does now rather than what it hopes to achieve in the future.

8. Microsoft

Vision Statement: Empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.


Like many of the other vision statements here, Microsoft doesn’t mention its products at all and instead describes what it hopes to achieve for its customers.

9. Disney

Vision Statement: To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.


Disney pinpoints where it wants to be in its industry – at the top. The vision statement weaves in its products and what the brand does for its customers.

10. Chick-fil-A

Vision Statement: To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.


Chick-fil-A’s vision statement doesn’t mention chicken at all. Instead, the brand highlights how it wants to have an impact on its customers.

11. SAS

Vision Statement: To transform a world of data into a world of intelligence.


SAS’s vision statement shines a spotlight on the brand’s expertise and indicates what it’s going to do for the wider industry and the world in general.

12. LinkedIn

Vision Statement: To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.


LinkedIn is very clear in its vision statement about who it wants to help and how it’s going to help them.


Vision Statement: HERMES envisions a world where people have equitable access to preventive and curative services and sustainable means to achieve positive health status.


HERMES paints a picture of an ideal world with its vision statement. It goes into detail about what exactly it would like to achieve and who it’s going to help.

14. Coca-Cola

Vision Statement: Our vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit.


Of course, Coca-Cola wants to create the world’s favorite drinks, but the vision statement takes it one step further and highlights how it wants customers to feel when they buy its products.

15. Costco

Vision Statement: A place where efficient buying and operating practices give members access to unmatched savings.


Costco’s vision statement outlines what it hopes to achieve for its customers and how it’s going to do that for them.

16. Audi

Vision Statement: To be the BEST automotive sales and repair operation in every market we serve.


Audi pulls out all the stops in its vision statement. It has a big dream of becoming the best in its industry for selling and repairing.

17. U-Haul

Vision Statement: We are committed to sustainability through environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic efficiency.


U-Haul’s vision statement highlights its big-picture plans for the environment rather than mentioning its products and industry dreams.

18. TikTok

Vision Statement: It is a place where everyone belongs – regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic level – and offers a vibrant buzzing atmosphere that celebrates trends and embraces diversity.


TikTok’s vision statement outlines the kind of place it wants to be for its users and what it wants the platform to do and look like in the future.

19. Princeton University

Vision Statement: We aspire to be an active and creative partner within Princeton University and across the global community by curating pertinent resources and engaging in emerging forms of teaching, learning, and research in ways that explicitly support diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Princeton University gets very granular with its vision statement, outlining what it hopes to achieve and what activities it will put in place to get there.

20. Samsung

Vision Statement: Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products, and design that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.


Samsung mentions how its products will play a part in its big-picture goals in its detailed vision statement.

Vision Statement Frequently Asked Questions

What Is An Example Of A Vision Statement?

An example of a vision statement is this from IKEA: “To create a better everyday life for the many people.” It highlights the brand’s big-picture goals without mentioning what the brand is most well-known for: furniture products.

What Is A Good Vision Statement?

A good vision statement outlines what an organization would ultimately like to achieve and gives purpose to the existence of the organization. It should be inspirational and idealistic, touching on how a brand wants to make an impact on the world.

What Are The 3 Parts Of A Vision Statement?

  1. Future goals
  2. The kind of impact you want to have
  3. How your company is different from others

How Do You Write A Proper Vision Statement?

To write a vision statement, answer the following questions:

  • What does your company do?
  • What are your core values?
  • How do you describe your company culture?
  • Where do you see your company in 5-10 years?
  • What impact do you want to have on your customers?
  • What impact do you want to have on your industry?
  • How do you go above and beyond your competitors?

What Is The Average Length Of A Vision Statement?

The average vision statement is 18 words long, but you should aim for 2-3 sentences that clearly explain your goals for the future and the impact you’d like to have on your industry and the world.