Construct A Creative Strategy That Surpasses Your Marketing Goals

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Paige Nordstrom

Published May 2, 2024
/ Updated May 7, 2024
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Published May 2, 2024
/ Updated May 7, 2024

As marketers, we constantly feel the pressure from our stakeholders, bosses, maybe even managers, to be creative.

Not too creative to the point that your idea will get shut down, but creative enough that you are different (and better) than your competition.

Let’s get you feeling confident in what you’re doing. Specifically to a place where you can prove the ROI, and know how to plan and execute the entire strategy from scratch.

In this post you’ll learn everything you need to know about creative strategies, from how-to-write one, to successful, real-life examples that you can implement in your own workplace. Let’s get started!

Purpose Behind A Creative Strategy?

You know creative strategies are important, probably because you were asked to make one, but you might not understand why they are important.

Your creative strategy stands as your what, how, and why you’re going to reach your marketing objectives.

Creative strategies assist the company in reaching marketing goals, prove their ROI, and support business growth through a strategic and well-executed approach.

Without one, you risk losing sight of your projects, going over budget, and ticking off your stakeholders.

Write Your Best Creative Strategy

First things first, if you’re looking for an extra kick to your creative strategy. Consider CoSchedule’s Hire Mia as your sidekick. Hire Mia is an AI-powered content writer that can handle simple tasks, generate ideas, and conquer writer’s block.

Queue a breath of relief as Hire Mia takes the stress out of your creative strategy and everything marketing.

Now it’s time to break down the process of developing your own creative strategy. Here it is, step-by-step how to implement your very own creative strategy.

1. Set Strong Marketing Goals

SMART goals!

CoSchedule SMART graphic

2. Track KPI’s

It’s important that you know which metrics to measure when assessing your goal. In reality, you can’t prioritize every metric, because that would mean that all of your metrics have the same importance (and they shouldn’t be).

KPIs are metrics that indicate progress towards a particular goal. Some examples of KPIs that you may be measuring are:

  • Leads generated.
  • Conversions.
  • Revenue.
  • Email list subscribers.
  • Pageviews.

Pick a KPI or two that goes hand in hand with your goal and then focus on them. You’ll be surprised how much focusing on a specific metric can help you reach your goal!

Now that you’ve set your marketing goals, it’s time to find out who you’re marketing to.

3. Tune Into Your Target Audience

Define the ideal person that you want to buy your product or service. The better you know your target audience, the better you can market to them. Understanding their needs and wants helps you get inside their minds to create a creative strategy that connects to them.

For help targeting your audience, Hire Mia can use your unique brand voice for any piece of content. Construct your brand voice using descriptors that represent your brand well:

  • Informative
  • Conversational
  • Humorous
  • Concise

4. Define Your Strengths

Prove how your benefits and strengths help your users. This step is as simple as it sounds.

Answer this: What benefit(s) does my target audience get from my product or service?

If you don’t know the direct benefits, there’s no way your audience will understand the benefits.

Ask yourself these three things to make sure that you are hitting the nail on the head:

  • What does my target audience gain from it?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • What is my competitive advantage?

All the benefits you just listed are awesome, but they aren’t going to believe you unless they are backed up with some facts. Support your benefits so that people actually believe you.

There are a number of different ways you can support your benefit in your creative strategy.

Customer testimonials are a great way to show that real people have used your product or service and prove it works! To get customer testimonials, you can directly ask customers or even use reviews that you get.

Here’s an example of a customer testimonial from CoSchedule:

CoSchedule Marketing Suite customer story

Hearing such strong, loyal testimonials from customers enhances your credibility and attracts future leads.

5. Enhance Brand Positioning

Brand positioning strategy is a large project in itself. When you consider positioning in your creative strategy, make sure it aligns with your brand.

Positioning your brand is a huge reflection of your audience. Consider what they like to see and where they tend to consume their media. Then, all that’s left is to meet them there.

6. Set A Clear Budget

One thing that ticks off stakeholders more than a bad creative strategy is when that creative strategy goes over budget.

But don’t worry, here’s all you need to know so that you don’t go over budget to fulfill your tactics!

Steps to Keep Your Creative Strategy on Budget

  1. Choose your deliverables
  2. Accurately estimate how much each deliverable is going to cost
  3. Keep track of where your money is going at all times
  4. Drop strategies that aren’t performing well

The biggest thing with budgeting is to make sure you keep an eye on the money and the tactics so that going over budget never becomes an issue.

Types Of Creative Strategies (With Examples)

Your creative marketing strategy can take different shapes and forms depending on your goals. It would take days to cover every type of creative strategy, so this blog post will cover the most prevalent topics and strategies along with some killer examples.

Content Strategy

An example of a genius content strategy comes from none other than Sephora. They built and launched a community page for their users to leave comments, drop questions, and share their tips and tricks within the make-up world.

Engagement increased and sales drove through the roof, once they grounded an inclusive space where their users can communicate and connect.

Social Media Strategy

If you’re looking for a company that dominates social media, follow Wendy’s. Their sassy replies and savage Tweets is how this company rose to the top with their social media.

From playful jokes to their competitors and humorous tweets their viewers can look forward to, Wendy’s knows how to captivate an audience.

I’ll let their engagement speak for themselves. Their audience follows for their announcements and stays for the humor.

Branding Strategy

You’re probably familiar with the hashtag #ShareACoke phenomenon. (I think we can all admit we have looked for a Coke with our name on it.)

It swept the nation and encouraged millions of customers to hit their local grocers and search for the names they hold near and dear to their hearts.

Not only did Coca Cola pull together a tight knit community, it boosted sales and brand awareness like nothing before.

Video Strategy

Slack rolled out a customer success video a few years ago to highlight their product, and it worked.

They took the pain points of their target audience and showed how to get rid of those pains by using Slack. And they managed to make the video humorous and educational at the same time. Hats off to them?

Whichever method you choose, remember that you don’t have to break the bank. If you have a video camera, some knowledge, and a little bit of creativity, you’ll be in luck.

Email Strategy

Email marketing is still as powerful as ever. The best engagement comes when you optimize your use of email correctly. Avoid settling for just sending out emails packed with information.

Make them personal, eye-catching, unique to the receiver, and overall unforgettable.

Take a few notes from Patagonia and how their email demands attention and cultivates clicks. High quality images paired with a perfect product showcase, pulls viewers in and motivates them to learn more.