Mastering the Art of Press Releases: Templates that Drive Results

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Rana Bano

Published June 12, 2024
/ Updated July 25, 2024
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Published June 12, 2024
/ Updated July 25, 2024

A press release is a deliberate statement from a company sent to journalists or news media to share information, make official statements, or announce news.

Why write a press release? Beyond getting media coverage, press releases put your company in front of potential customers. They can also boost your website’s SEO visibility when they include relevant keywords and links.

But there’s a catch: To reap these benefits, you must be strategic. Share relevant information at the right time, through the right channels, and in a way your audience prefers.

Given that 57% of journalists receive between 50 and 500 pitches weekly, you know you have to make yours stand out. This blog post shares tips and press release templates to help you write and send effective press releases.

How to Create a Press Release Template (Tips and Examples)

When creating a press release template, you need to include certain key components.

Here are nine essential components of a standard press release, along with real-life press release examples and proven tips for writing them.

Note: You may not need to include all of these, depending on the type of press release you’re writing.

1. Contact Information and Release Date

Starting at the top, add your company’s name and logo to establish brand recognition. Include contact details for a media contact—someone from your PR or marketing team who can answer questions.

This section should also specify the release date and any publication guidelines, like whether the information is “For immediate release” or “Embargoed until [Date/Time].” Embargoed releases are often used for significant announcements to ensure coordinated media coverage.

2. Headline

Your headline is the first thing journalists and readers see.

Make it concise, engaging, and informative. Focus on why the news is important to your audience, not just why it’s important to your company.

While getting creative with your press release title earns you immediate attention, act according to the nature of your news. For instance, for a straightforward announcement, use a specific and simple title. Like this CoSchedule press release:


But if you’re sharing something more exciting (think: survey results), opt for something more catchy—like using a statistic or actionable language. Like this:


3. Subheading

A subheading is optional but useful for highlighting key points or data, giving readers more information on what to expect.

It provides a snapshot of what’s to come in the body of the release, enticing readers to continue. And since it’s supposed to be a preview, your subheading should be:

  • Super concise, preferably between 50–160 characters.
  • Contextual—it should support the headline.

Let’s have another look at the CoSchedule press release. Here’s what its subheading looks like:

If you have more than one key point or data to highlight, you can add more than one subheading (max three).

4. Dateline

The dateline, usually the first line of the body paragraph, shows the release date and location of the news. It’s typically written as “CITY, STATE, Month Day, Year,” like “Manchester, N.H., Jan. 31, 2023”.

This section informs readers when and where the news originated. If your company has multiple locations, use the head office location unless the news is specific to another location.

Note you can also add the dateline just before the sub-heading—like us:

5. Body copy

Right away, your body copy should answer the five W’s:

  • Who
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Why

This ensures all critical information is presented upfront. Use the subsequent paragraphs to expand on these details, including:

  • Compelling quotes from company executives or stakeholders (adds a personal touch and provides authority)


  • Data points or key findings (backs up your claims and adds credibility). For instance, if your release is about a new product, include relevant performance metrics or user feedback.


Additionally, add relevant links to more detailed information or related content. Think: links to your website, a product page, or a detailed report.


This is a great tactic to share additional resources for journalists while driving traffic to your digital assets.

Super important: Keep the body copy crisp and short. Typically, it should be about 250 words, but no longer than 500 words.

6. Call to Action (CTA)

Your press release should guide the reader toward the next step with a clear call to action. This could be registering for an event, downloading a report, or visiting your website.

Place the CTA at the end of your body copy and make sure it’s relevant and straightforward. For example, if you’re announcing a new product, a CTA might be “Visit our website to learn more” or “Request a demo.”


Tips to write persuasive press release CTAs

  • Tailor the CTA to your core objective: Do you want to generate more traffic or get more demo signups from your press release? Perhaps you want to boost sales. Make sure the CTA aligns with your key objective.
  • Leverage AI-powered tools: Use CoSchedule’s Call-To-Action Generator to generate compelling CTAs within seconds. Simply fill in a prompt—be as specific as possible—and enjoy the results.
  • Add the right links: Include the full URL link to guide your readers where they’re going. You can use hyperlinks in other sections of the release.

7. Boilerplate

The boilerplate is the “About Us” section of your press release, located at the end of your press release.

Treat it as a brief company overview, including your mission, key offerings, size, and any notable achievements, and a link to your website.

Case in point:

Consequently, journalists (and readers) who may not be familiar with your company will know who you are and what you do.

8. End Notation

End your press release with a clear notation, such as “###” or “- End -“. This standard notation shows that no additional content follows.

9. Additional Media (If Available)

If possible, include additional media assets like images, infographics, or videos. These make your press release easier to read, breaking up the text and conveying complex information effectively.

Take this Gartner news release, for example. It includes a short video where a spokesperson highlights key survey findings and future predictions.

High-quality assets like these make your content more shareable and increase the chances of your news being picked up.

Bonus: Specific Sections for Different Types of Press Releases

Depending on the type of news, you might need additional specific sections:

  • Product Launches: Detail product specifications, key differentiators, and any unique features that set it apart from competitors.
  • Company News: Highlight the significance of the news. If announcing a new executive, include their background and expected contributions. For an award, mention the criteria and what led to the recognition.
  • Event Announcements: Clearly outline the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, and why). Include information on how to register and who should attend.
  • Report Announcements: Summarize key findings and insights from the report. Provide a brief analysis and include survey demographics to validate the data’s relevance.

5 Ready-To-Use Press Release Templates

Here are some free press release templates you can customize based on your needs.

1. General Press Release Template

When to Use: This template is versatile and can be used for any general announcement, such as company updates, new hires, or strategic partnerships.

[Company Name]



[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]


[City, State] – [Date] – [Opening paragraph: Introduce the most important information about the announcement. Answer the who, what, where, when, and why.]

[Second paragraph: Provide more details and context about the announcement. Explain its significance and impact.]

[Third paragraph: Include a quote from a key stakeholder or representative to add a personal touch and authority.]

[Additional paragraphs: Offer further details, statistics, or background information that support the announcement. Include relevant links.]

Call to Action:

[Specific action you want readers to take, such as visiting a website, registering for an event, or downloading a report.]

About [Company Name]:

[Company boilerplate: A brief paragraph about the company, its mission, services/products, and any notable achievements.]

2. Event Press Release Template

When to Use: When announcing upcoming events such as conferences, workshops, webinars, or community gatherings.

[Company Name]

[Date, Year]


[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Headline: Announce the Event]

[City, State] – [Date] – [Opening paragraph: Announce the event. Answer the who, what, where, when, and why.]

[Second paragraph: Provide more details about the event, including speakers, activities, and agenda.]

[Third paragraph: Include a quote from an organizer or key speaker to highlight the event’s importance.]

[Additional paragraphs: Discuss the event’s significance, past successes, and any partnerships or sponsors involved.]

Call to Action:

[Specific action you want readers to take, such as registering for the event, purchasing tickets, or visiting the event website.]

About [Company Name]:

[Company boilerplate: A brief paragraph about the company, its mission, services/products, and any notable achievements.]

3. New Product/Service Press Release Template

When to Use: When announcing the launch of your new product or service. Highlight its features, benefits, and launch date.

[Company Name]



[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Headline: Announce the New Product/Service]

[City, State] – [Date] – [Opening paragraph: Announce the new product/service. Answer the who, what, where, when, and why.]

[Second paragraph: Provide detailed information about the new product/service, its features, and benefits.]

[Third paragraph: Include a quote from a company representative about the product/service launch.]

[Additional paragraphs: Discuss the development process, market need, and any customer testimonials or beta test results.]

Call to Action:

[Specific action you want readers to take, such as visiting the product page, requesting a demo, or contacting for more information.]

About [Company Name]:

[Company boilerplate: A brief paragraph about the company, its mission, services/products, and any notable achievements.]

4. Award Press Release Template

When to Use: When announcing awards or recognitions received by the company or its employees, celebrating their achievements and contributions.

[Company Name]



[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Headline: Announce the Award]

[City, State] – [Date] – [Opening paragraph: Announce the award and the recipient. Answer the who, what, where, when, and why.]

[Second paragraph: Provide details about the award, its significance, and the criteria for selection.]

[Third paragraph: Include a quote from the award recipient and/or a representative of the awarding organization.]

[Additional paragraphs: Discuss the recipient’s achievements, impact, and any relevant background information.]

Call to Action:

[Specific action you want readers to take, such as visiting the company website, reading a full story, or contacting for interviews.]

About [Company Name]:

[Company boilerplate: A brief paragraph about the company, its mission, services/products, and any notable achievements.]

5. CoSchedule’s Press Release Generator

CoSchedule’s Press Release Generator uses generative AI to help you quickly and easily create professional press releases. So, while it’s not a traditional template, it’s even better.

Here’s how to use the HireMia’s AI Press Release Generator:

  1. Add details about your press release in the prompt provided by the generator.
  2. Provide target audience details to help the generator create content tailored to your preferences.
  3. Add tone specifications to craft personalized copy.
  4. Click Generate My Press Release.

For example, this prompt…

…gave us this output:

You can customize the press release draft by adjusting the tone, structure, and length as you like.

Next Steps: Distribution and Monitoring Coverage

A press release can be a key part of your marketing strategy. But you must ensure it reaches the right audience and has the desired impact.

Follow these steps:

  • Distribute your press release by identifying suitable media outlets, journalists, and influencers. You can also use a press release distribution service and share the release on your company’s website and social media channels.
  • Follow up with journalists and media contacts to draw attention to your release. Be available to answer any questions and provide additional information.
  • Monitor coverage to see how your press release is performing by tracking media coverage and social media mentions. Collect feedback and analyze the results to improve future press releases.

This three-step approach will maximize the reach and impact of your press release.