Create An AI Branding Strategy That Goes Above & Beyond In 4 Actionable Steps

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Paige Nordstrom

Published December 28, 2023
/ Updated January 30, 2024
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Published December 28, 2023
/ Updated January 30, 2024

Optimize your branding strategy with the power of AI. Strengthen your customer connections, improve your brand’s storytelling, and drive content creation, all with AI at your fingertips. See how you can equip your branding strategy with AI in four simple yet effective steps.

Revise your branding strategy with deeper insights and data-backed efforts using AI.

Why Use AI To Create A Branding Strategy?

By embracing AI as part of your branding strategy, you embrace all of the good things it brings. Deepen your relationship with customers, tailor content to them, increase and enhance content creation, and give your brand a voice through storytelling.

With AI supercharging your branding strategy, you can dip into untapped areas like predictive models, automated tasks, and campaign optimization.

How To Implement AI Into Your Branding Strategy

Ready to implement AI into your current branding strategy? All you need are these 4 actionable steps to infuse AI directly into your branding strategy.

1. Define Your Brand’s Needs & Goals

Before integrating AI into your branding strategy, it’s essential to define your brand’s needs and goals. Push yourself to go beyond brand awareness and sales. Pinpoint your brand’s core values and unique selling propositions.

On the other hand, take a second to identify the weaknesses of your brand. Think about what areas need improvement and adjusting.

These answers will help you narrow down your brand’s needs to reach its full potential. You can now clearly put in place goals that will transform your brand.

2. Identify Suitable AI Technologies

Take a moment to choose AI technologies that aren’t just favored by the masses, but ones that truly resonate with your brand’s needs. Plenty of AI technologies are available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Start small and identify the key needs most relevant to your brand. Consider AI technologies for data analysis, customer relationship management, digital advertising, etc. Pick and choose an option that feels tailored just to your brand.

3. Implement The Chosen AI Technologies

Once you’ve identified suitable AI technologies, the next step is to implement them. Begin by training your staff on using and interpreting AI outputs. Familiarize your team with the functionalities of AI so that, in the future, tasks can be handled with zero friction.

This will involve technical tasks such as software installation and configuration and strategic tasks such as defining key performance indicators (KPIs).

4. Monitor & Adjust

After implementing AI technologies, the final step is to monitor and adjust results. It’s vital to monitor their performance against your previously set KPIs. AI is not a static resource. Analyze results and insights to adjust your branding strategy as necessary.

Use your analysis to embrace experimentation. Try new AI features or adjust configurations as needed. Adapting to your performance allows for continuous improvement and a brand performing at full potential.

Real-Life Examples Of AI In Branding Strategies

To put all of this AI branding strategy talk into perspective, here are some incredible ways real brands utilize AI within their branding strategies.

Nike’s Personalized Profiles

Nike utilized the power of AI to personalize Fit app recommendations. AI analyzed users’ fitness data and preferences to make unique suggestions for that user.

Seeing accurate recommendations in line with their preferences creates a more engaging and effective experience for users.

Tomorrow Sleep Enhances Recommendations

Tomorrow Sleep uses AI to generate personalized sleep reports and recommendations based on individual sleep data. Now, their users can see deeper into their sleep patterns, learning how their sleep affects them and understanding how they can help.

This personal insight from AI enhances their value proposition toward their audience and boosts their brand image.

Air Asia Improves Customer Service

Air Asia implemented AI by creating an AI-powered chatbot. Their chatbot, Bo, is available 24/7 to answer common questions and concerns. Users can avoid being stuck on hold and put any worries about their flight to rest.

This chatbot strengthens their customer service and increases engagement throughout their audience.

Farfetch Increases Open Rates

Farfetch, a clothing brand, leveraged AI to optimize their email marketing campaigns. They teamed up with Phrasee’s AI-powered content to test new styles, tones, and messages, all to pin down the best language for Farfetch.

Through AI’s efficient testing, Farfetch significantly increased open and click-through rates for their site.

Success In An AI Branding Strategy

With the help of AI you can give your branding strategy the legs it needs to stand on its own. Develop a deeper understanding of your target audience and the ability to personalize their content accordingly.

It doesn’t stop there. AI speeds up content creation so you can move out of the planning stage sooner. AI can also enhance your brand’s voice, allowing for more effective brand storytelling.

Deep Customer Understanding

AI can dig deep into customer data, demographics, behaviors, and preferences. All of these things help to give you newfound insight into your customers.

With this, you know what messages, styles, tones, and channels resonate best with your audience. Now, you’re really speaking their language.

Improve Customer Personalization

Allow AI to backtrack into your history with customers. It can retrieve hidden patterns and trends, enabling you to tailor your messaging to best relate to your audience.

AI can tell you exactly what your audience is looking for without them having to ask for it. Prove that your brand truly knows your audience and begin fostering stronger connections through AI.

Boost Content Creation

Through AI-powered content generation, AI can create blog posts, messages, and streamlined content with the click of a button. Refine your branding strategy with an AI content creation powerhouse.

Use your AI assistant to create high-quality, engaging content at your command.

Enhance Brand Storytelling

AI breathes life into your brand story. Make your brand feel like more than a logo; make it feel like home to your audience. Tell your brand’s unique story to your audience and be able to connect with their interests.

When AI helps to perfect your brand’s storytelling, you deepen your connections with your customers and solidify life-long relationships.

Potential Challenges & Solutions

AI brings plenty of strengths into your branding strategy, but it’s important to square away potential challenges as well.

We’ll equip you with best practices to combat these drawbacks so it doesn’t throw a wrench in your plans.

The “Black Box” Problem

At times there can be a lack of transparency in AI algorithms, also known as the “Black Box” problem.  It’s not entirely out of the ordinary that AI gives you a response that doesn’t exactly hit its’ mark. It may seem vague or even inaccurate.

To tackle this gray area concern, it’s essential to provide AI with as much information as possible and consistently double-check AI’s responses. AI isn’t meant to replace your work but to team up with you to enhance it.

Human-AI Collaboration

Another rising concern when working with AI is the transition to human-AI collaboration. It can be a learning curve teaming up with a machine learning algorithm for the first time. It may be hard to distinguish how much creative direction is needed to guide AI-powered branding.

Ensure human and AI collaboration is seamless by addressing the skills needed. Consider reskilling marketing teams to work effectively with AI. Do some digging to understand more about AI to secure more accurate and impactful work in the future.

Measuring Success

It can take time to define clear metrics for AI-driven efforts. It may not be obvious how AI has been impacting your brand. Sometimes, you won’t be sure how well something is working or potentially not working.

To clear things up and gain clarity on exactly how AI is benefitting your brand, focus on basic insights to measure success. Analyze the impact of AI on things like brand awareness, engagement, and customer satisfaction. Here are some simple, yet telling ways to measure success:

  • Monitor awareness of your brand over time, pre and post-AI implementation.
  • Keep an eye on brand mentions and conversations on social media.
  • Ask customers about their level of satisfaction.
  • Review customer feedback.