Maximize Your Reach: Create Your Pinterest Business Account

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Kohl Blotske

Published August 11, 2024
/ Updated August 15, 2024
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Published August 11, 2024
/ Updated August 15, 2024

As a business, getting your content recognized can be an exhausting process. With Google being the most popular search engine in the world, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd.

This is where Pinterest comes into the picture.

Pinterest isn’t like many other social media platforms, it’s more of a search engine than a “social” app. Instead of sharing photos to conversate and engage with followers and friends, people use Pinterest to find inspiration and ideas.

Pinterest is far less competitive than Google, Bing, or other social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. As a result, your business has a better chance of standing out and being noticed, even as a start-up company.

With that being said, why not try to optimize your business on Pinterest?

In this step-by-step guide to mastering a Pinterest business page, you will learn how to create a Pinterest business account, its benefits, and how to use it effectively.

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6 Benefits Of A Pinterest Business Account

Pinterest is a powerful search engine, and mastering it for your business can be highly beneficial.

Here are the key benefits of creating a Pinterest business account:

1. Lead Generation To Your Website

Pinterest allows users to add links to pins, such as blog posts, product pages, or website pages.

Create an interesting hook to catch the audience’s attention, to drive more views and, consequently, more clicks to your products or services.

2. Pinterest Ads

Create a Pinterest business account to enable the paid ads feature, known as “promoted pins,” which appear on users’ home feeds, category feeds, and search results. Additionally, Pinterest’s targeting feature allows you to showcase ads to a specific audience based on various demographics.

​​However, Pinterest users are often seeking inspiration rather than just shopping. So, ads offer creative ideas that attract users to your page, ultimately leading them to your products.

3. Rich Pins

Rich Pins display more information on pins, such as titles and descriptions above and below the image. This drives interest and engagement from the audience.

Rich Pins are automatically synced with the information from your website. So, If something changes on the website, then it will also change on Pinterest.

There are four types of Rich Pins, each catering to different types of businesses: App Pins, Article Pins, Recipe Pins, and Product Pins. The selection between these pins varies based on the nature of your business.

4. SEO Benefits

Like any other social app, the goal is to attract users to your page. To improve search visibility, use specific keywords on your profile, boards, and pins that are relevant to the business.

When done right this results in pins that rank on Pinterest and other search engines such as Google.

5. Access To The Verified Merchant Program

After the Pinterest business account is created we recommend applying to the free Verified Merchant Program. This program improves brand credibility and visibility on Pinterest.

The features of the Verified Merchant Program include:

  • Verified badge icon
  • Product price and availability on pins
  • Shop tab on your profile
  • Increased visibility in search feeds

However, signing up for this program can be challenging. Pinterest requires that an account be at least 3 months old, your business website must have been created at least 13 months ago, and a fully completed “about” section.

6. Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest analytics is specifically designed for business accounts to track pin performance, audience insights, and website traffic.

These in-depth insights allow you to identify successful areas and opportunities for improvement, allowing you to refine your marketing strategy accordingly.

How To Create Your Pinterest Business Account

Creating a business account is simple. Follow the provided steps to creating a Pinterest business account.

Create A Personal Pinterest Account

Before creating a Pinterest business account, start with a personal account. If you already have a personal account, then skip these steps. Once these steps have been completed, move on to creating a business account.

Step 1: Open Pinterest and select sign up.

Step 2: Fill in the required details: email, password, name, and interests.

Step 3: Click “Edit profile” and fill in the following information

  • Upload a profile picture
  • Write a clear and concise bio.
  • Select relevant categories

Create A Pinterest Business Account

Once you’ve created a personal account, create a separate account for your business. Follow these 6 steps to creating a Pinterest business account.

Step 1: Go to settings.

Step 2: Select “Account management.”

Step 3: Click on “Convert to a business account.”

Step 4: Select “Upgrade”

Step 5: Fill in the necessary business details.

Step 6: Verify your website.

How To Use Pinterest for Business

Pinterest for business isn’t just about gaining followers, it’s about catching the audience’s attention, ultimately leading them to your products.

With that being said, use the following tips to maximize your reach on Pinterest.

Understand Your Audience

Pinterest is primarily a female user base, so promoting a brand like men’s power tools may not gain traction.

Knowing who the target audience is and what they’re searching for can help you tailor the pins for that audience.

For example, a hair salon business might notice their audience prefers trendy hairstyle tutorials and hair care tips, allowing them to create pins that cater specifically to these interests.

It’s all about winning over the algorithm. If viewers engage with your content, Pinterest will showcase your products to a wider audience.

Create Pins To Engage Viewers

Pins that engage the target audience is the focal point for content creation on Pinterest. The pin should capture their attention and make them want to learn more. Sometimes the best pins are minimal and simple.

Creating high-quality, vertical image pins will not only help the Pinterest algorithm but will also stand out in people’s feeds. Pinterest recommends an aspect ratio of 2:3 to maximize pin visibility.

Write pin descriptions with a call-to-action and keywords related to your brand or product. Most importantly, don’t forget to include a link to the product.

Pinterest is not like Instagram where one post can define an entire page. You can post a pin, and if it does poorly, very few people will come across it. So experiment and find what pins resonate most with your audience.

Iron Accents on Pinterest

Metal wall decor company, Iron Accents, utilizes Pinterest to sell their products. In this example, they create an eye-catching pin by strategically placing aesthetically pleasing items around their cutting board product.

Include links

Always include links on pins that can take users to your website, blog post, podcast episode, or video. This will direct users to the source of the image which could be the product or service that’s being promoted.

Users on Pinterest are used to clicking on website links. If users like what they see, then they will click the link to learn more about it.

Promoting a free product is a great way to start. Everyone loves free items, and it can drive traffic to your page, generating more link clicks.

Tilly’s on Pinterest

In this example, Tilly’s showcases their products, such as shoes, on Pinterest, including a link for viewers to visit their website and make a purchase.

Post Consistently

On Pinterest, it’s important to be consistent. More pins means more people who can discover your content.

How much should you post on Pinterest?

There’s not an exact number, it depends on your product and business; however, we recommend pinning anywhere from once a day to three times a week, especially as a beginner.

There isn’t a cap on how much you should pin a day. You can pin 15 times a day if you want to. Just make sure the pins are of quality and related to your business.

However, don’t just post whenever you feel like it. Finding the right time to post is just as important. Find when your followers are most active, which might take some experimenting.

Plan Your Content

Trying to keep up with a consistent posting schedule can wear you out, especially if you choose to post every day.

Many business owners on Pinterest find it useful to utilize a content planning tool. We recommend trying platforms such as CoSchedule, Canva, Metricool, or Pinterest’s content calendar tool.

Designate a day to create a few pins, and then schedule those pins to be posted throughout the week.

Utilize Boards

What are Pinterest boards?

Pinterest boards are similar to folders on a computer. They allow pins to be organized by category, making it easier for you or your audience to find them.

Boards are the backbone of a Pinterest account. They will make it easier for the audience and the algorithm to see what your profile is all about

Strategically categorize Pinterest boards so when someone visits your profile they know exactly what kind of business you are and what you provide.

Urban Outfitters on Pinterest

Urban Outfitters organizes their pins into specific boards. In this example, they categorize their pins into a photography board.

Engage With The Audience

While Pinterest isn’t necessarily a platform used for personal interactions, there are still ways to engage with your audience.

Here are 3 strategies for engaging with your audience on Pinterest:

  • Reply to comments, mentions, and messages
  • Join and participate in group boards
  • Like and comment on other related content

Measure Success

Regularly posting on Pinterest without analyzing its performance can cost you a lot of time and money. Consistently check up on Pinterest Analytics to help you understand how your page is performing on Pinterest.

Pinterest Analytics has a multitude of features that include Impressions, Saves, Pin clicks, Profile visits, Follows, and Outbound clicks.

Carefully watch these insights and adjust your strategies based on the given data.



Compared to Google or Instagram, Pinterest is much easier to get your content to stand out from the crowd. Because Pinterest functions more as a search engine than a social platform, it offers businesses better visibility due to its less competitive nature.

By creating a Pinterest business account, you can drive traffic to your website, run targeted ads, use Rich Pins for more detailed content, and benefit from SEO.

Once it’s created, utilize strategies for engaging the audience with compelling pins and boards and measuring success with Pinterest Analytics.

Be sure to utilize tools and software including CoSchedule’s free calendar to optimize your business account on Pinterest.


How Do I Use A Pinterest Business Account For Affiliate Marketing?

Use Pinterest for affiliate marketing by creating pins that include affiliate links. You can do this by adding your affiliate link to the destination link field. Also, sign up for affiliate programs that directly relate to your business.

Is A Pinterest Business Account Free?

A Pinterest business account is entirely free. Features such as selling products or services come at no cost. The only expenses are running ads and promoting pins, which is pay-per-click.

What Is The Difference Between A Regular Pinterest Account And A Business Account?

Pinterest business accounts and personal accounts are not too different from each other. Business accounts can do everything a personal account can do; however, they get extra features that are designed to help businesses and marketers improve the reach of their products.

What Is The Benefit Of A Pinterest Business Account?

The benefits of a Pinterest business account include website linking, Pinterest Ads, Rich Pins, SEO benefits, access to the Verified Merchant Program, and Pinterest Analytics. These are all designed to help businesses optimize their reach on Pinterest.