15 Top-Performing Facebook Post Ideas

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Paige Nordstrom

Published February 19, 2024
/ Updated September 18, 2024
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Published February 19, 2024
/ Updated September 18, 2024

Enhance your presence on Facebook with 15 transformative post ideas. Attract, connect, and convert a wider audience with fresh content.

Facebook makes up 89% of marketers. To stay ahead of the curve in a sea of marketers, your content needs to be next level. That’s why we will reveal proven Facebook post ideas that pull their weight and skyrocket engagement.

Transform the way you interact with your followers on Facebook by tapping into new content ideas. Use any of the following 15 Facebook post ideas to refresh your users’ facebook experience and keep them wanting more.

How Facebook Drives Engagement

Facebook is a means for helping you to build a strong relationship with your customers. Every time a visitor interacts with your posts, it rings true that they are interested in what you have to say. Facebook takes into account the likes and shares from your content and adjusts your  news feed placement accordingly.

So, to harness success on Facebook and drive the most engagement, it’s critical to post click-worthy content at the most optimal times. This will drive impressions on your post and extend your organic reach.

A more receptive and motivated audience awaits!

Best Practices For Facebook

Finding the greatest success on Facebook leads back to a few concrete tips that’ll get you optimal exposure and engagement. We’ll get into the importance of posting at optimal times, consistently posting, and creating attention-grabbing content.

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Recommended: Facebook Text Generator and Facebook Hashtag Generator

Post At Optimal Times

When publishing to Facebook, you’ll realize fairly quickly that the more engagement your post receives, the more likely it is to be recognized by Facebook’s algorithm. Ultimately, if you post at the right times, your post will be rewarded with more exposure, driving in even more engagement.

Ultimately, post when your audience is the most active and your content will receive the exposure it deserves.

Consistency Is Key

To keep a loyal, engaged audience, you need consistent content. The best way to automate, schedule, and post your social media is with a Social Media Calendar. This way, you can view all of your content in one place so nothing slips between the cracks.

Now that you have a set schedule for when your content goes live, your audience will be there ready for it. Say hello to Facebook content that functions like a well oiled machine.

Creating Eye Catching Content

Ensure your content is eye-catching and clickable. To achieve this, think of what your audience wants to see. Proudly announce discounts, sales, or new products and make it obvious! Make viewers stop in their tracks to read more.

Along the way, your team can develop a common color scheme, font, and overall look to your brand. This way the more attention your content gets on Facebook, it’ll feel more and more familiar to your target audience. Talk about perfecting brand awareness.

10 All-Star Facebook Post Ideas

Let’s get into data-backed Facebook post ideas that’ll leave your audience wanting more. We’ll go over tactics such as digging into trends, providing industry tips, and plenty more refreshing ways to boost your traffic on Facebook.

An eye-catching way to engage your audience is by participating in trends. Hop on a trend that is already gaining traction, so you can reach a wider audience in no time. By focusing on trend-forward topics, you can meet your audience halfway, and boost your content.

Here’s an example of how Pringles leaned into the popular Swift-Kelce trend:

Followers are excited to see their brands show interest in the same things they do, and that goes for any popular trend!

Share Stories

Open up to your audience! Give them some more insight as to how your company functions, handles obstacles, or faces adversity. Consider sharing stories about yourself personally. Describe something you’re extremely proud of or why you joined the industry in the first place.

Swap some stories and encourage your audience to do the same! This post idea is bound to get you closer to your audience, and can double as comedic relief or informational purposes.

Here is an example of how Intrepid Travel mastered the art of story swapping. Take a look at their featured stories from their followers and how inspiring it is to the rest of their fan base.

Ask Questions

Aside from sharing stories, you can also dedicate a post to asking questions. Get to know what your audience prefers, what they want to see in the future, or perhaps what they have been struggling with.

A brand with loyal customers, allows them to speak their mind and get things off their chest. Be the sounding board for a second and let your audience speak.

TechCrunch didn’t shy away from their opportunity to ask their audience questions. It’s more than ok for a post to be dedicated to a question aimed towards your audience. Take into account and learn from their feedback!

Host A Contest

Introduce some friendly competition to your audience with a light hearted contest! Start thinking of ways you can include your product or service into the competition, like offering a discount as the winning prize.

Be sure to include the time frame from which the contest runs for, the qualifications to participate, and the prizes. Watch as your followers get excited about your contest and generate a buzz for your products!

Go Pro has perfected the art of some friendly competition with their “photo of the day”. Users take part by submitting their wildest, coolest photos taken using GoPro, with a chance to get featured on their page!

Address FAQ’s

Along the same lines as directing questions towards your audience, you can open up a chance for them to submit their most frequently asked questions. Then, once you’ve sifted through them, you can get back to your audience with answers.

Your followers will feel heard, as you take the time to answer all of their burning questions.

Addressing your customer’s questions directly and in a timely manner, means the world to them. Prove you are a dependable team who truly takes care of their audience. Take a look at Patagonia responding to a customer and resolve confusion!

Offer Industry Tips

It’s fairly likely that the majority of your followers find themselves in similar industries as your own. You can drive engagement by expressing your expertise in the field. Share some things you wish you knew earlier on, tips and tricks you’ll never forget, or you can even share your opinion on sub-topics!

Keep it conversational and educational, and your audience will appreciate your advice!

Mail Chimp took the chance to promote a virtual fireside chat with well-known experts in their industry. Taking the time to inform their audience about the industry and providing an in- depth chat their followers can tune into.

Provide A Poll

Another great way to gauge how your audience feels is to provide them with a poll. You can compare two different things to see which one your audience leans more towards. Polls are equally effective as they are fun to participate in.

It’s a quick and easy way to interact with your audience, as you receive insight instantly and in real-time with a click of a button.

Partake Foods snatched the perfect opportunity for a poll. They combined seasons with a go-to snack, and brought it to their audience to see which one would come out on top. In turn their audience got to choose their preference and feel included, whistle partake Foods just received helpful insight.

Spill Product Updates

If you’ve ever liked a product and was excited for it to go live, you probably wished you would’ve received an update on that product. Whether it was a confirmed launch date, a sneak peek into what it may include/look like, or simply a look into how it’s coming along.

Spike your followers’ interest by spilling some product updates. Give them a sneak peek before it goes live, and your audience will be that much more excited on the day it reaches them.

Here, Converse did a fantastic job of announcing a brand new product in the market. With a simple short video, they were able to hype up their audience for their upcoming release.

‘Meet The Team’

Provide your audience with more detail about who you are as a company. Create a ‘Meet The Team’ post to highlight the shining faces behind the products your followers know and love. When an audience truly feels like they know you and appreciate the work you do, it’s easy to continue a strong relationship built for the long run.

Joburg Ballet dedicated a post to their news team member, and it harnessed overwhelming support. Their followers love fun updates, company changes, and a fresh face to root for!

Repost Customer Reviews

Show potential customers exactly why your product is so loved. Repost customer reviews to boost brand awareness and take the time to acknowledge the kind words from your audience.

Generating credibility for your product or service while proving it does exactly what it’s supposed to.

Kizik’s hosts a feature Friday, where they take the time to shout out customer reviews! Kizik spreads the overwhelming love for their product and their followers can send in more content for a feature!

Create Seasonal Posts

Embrace the change of seasons and use it to your advantage when it comes to social posting. Drive more clicks and visits with seasonal themed posts. It can be as simple as wishing your followers Happy Holidays or announcing some sweet seasonal deals.

Samsung leveraged Valentine’s day to deck out a pink and red themed post! Perfect way to encourage followers to treat themselves to their products for Valentine’s Day.

Announce An Event

Facebook is the perfect place to announce upcoming events. Spread the word, share details, and you can even ask who plans to attend! You can plan these posts out as a campaign so they periodically publish right up until the big day.

Get your audience excited for what’s to come by dedicating a post all about it.

Adobe dedicated a post to inform their audience all about their involvement in an upcoming festival. While promoting the event, they encourage their followers to stop by as well as promote their excitement to be involved!

Celebrate Milestones

Don’t let your accomplishments go unnoticed! Any win is a good win, and one worth sharing. Post about important milestones your company has surpassed, and your audience will be there to celebrate with you!

After all, your win is just as much yours and it is your audience’s.

National Geographic shares milestones like no other! Whether these milestones are well-known or just now scratching the surface, National Geographic ensures their loyal following are the first to know!

Fill In The Blank

A fill in the blank post is another fun way to give your audience the spotlight and hear what they have to say. You can pose any type of fill in the blank you want, depending on the kind of answer you’re looking for.

For example, fun ones can be as simple as, “My dream dinner date would be with…” or you can choose one business related like, “My favorite industry tip is…”, anything works for this one so let those creative juices flow.

Here’s an example of Solid Rock utilizing a fill in the blank approach to generate customer engagement! Being able to hear from their audience and listen to their responses deepened their relationships.

Solid Rock "Fill in the blank" Facebook post

Reveal Tips/Tricks

Much like the previous post idea to share industry tips, this one is opening up the selection. Dedicate a post to sharing any and all tips/tricks or advice you live by. Examples range from describing ways to boost productivity or how to pull yourself out of a funk.

Suggest the best ways to spend a day off or tips on how to work faster! It can be anything under the sun. Bets are that if it works for you, it’s bound to work and help someone else do the same.

Zappos revealed must-know tips and tricks to their audience, with a fun little video:

Brands With An Engaging Facebook Marketing Content

The following brands have perfected their presence on Facebook with their game-changing posts. Here are some examples of how they did it and why it worked.

Dollar Shave Club

The reason Dollar Shave Club has found so much success within their Facebook posts is their deep understanding of their target audience. They’ve harnessed quite the following due to their humorous content, which their audience adores.

Their followers look forward to their comedic ads relating to their grooming products and it’s paying off.


Slack changed their Facebook game with short, yet effective videos for their following. In these short videos, Slack varies from educational purposes, cracking jokes, or announcing new releases.

These easy-to-digest videos have their audience coming back for more.


Shopify made our list of exceptional Facebook post ideas due to their creativity and flexibility in design! Viewers can‘t help but stop and stare at their unique designs.

Grabbing viewer attention while explaining how their product supercharges productivity is a winning combination.

Red Bull

Red Bull brings an exciting energy to their Facebook page, calling all thrill seekers! Red Bull shares impressive videos of professionals being the adrenaline junkies they are.

Although their Facebook posts are tailored to the adventurous, everyone enjoys watching out-of-this-world content, and Red Bull has got it.