9 Press Release Examples for Every Occasion and Company News

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Rana Bano

Published June 7, 2024
/ Updated July 25, 2024
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Published June 7, 2024
/ Updated July 25, 2024

To get people talking about your brand, you need to get the word out to your target audience. And press releases are a fantastic way to do it.

According to the 2021 State of the Press Release survey, 68% of businesses saw increased brand and product visibility after sending out press release statements. Plus, since most journalists see press releases as credible fact-checking sources, they’re more likely to pick up on your news and updates.

Here’s where things get more interesting: you can tailor different types of press releases to fit the news you want to share. Read on as we share X press release examples to spark ideas for your next announcement and show you how to use them in your marketing efforts.

1. General press release example: AppsFlyer

General press releases are simple announcements, perfect for sharing important company news you feel is worthy of being shared.

They can be about anything—from announcing new survey results funded by the company to launching new technology programs for customers.

Take a cue from AppsFlyer, a mobile marketing analytics and distribution solution. It recently announced a successful funding round while simultaneously using the press release to:

  • Focus on how the funding will help it better serve customers.
  • Emphasize its plans to capture more market opportunities.
  • Mention an impressive clientele, including the likes of eBay, HBO, US Bank, and Nike.
  • Highlight its strong future prospects and commitment to keeping marketers’ interests at the forefront—an attractive point for potential new customers.

Check it out here.

2. Event press release example: SAP

An event press release shares important information about an event, such as new branch openings, conferences, charity fundraisers, and release parties. This information can include:

  • Details about upcoming closed events, including when and where they will occur.
  • Recaps of closed events that have already taken place.
  • Announcements of upcoming open events to invite the target audience through media.
  • Summaries of open events that have already taken place.

Cloud ERP software company SAP often uses event press releases to promote upcoming events or discuss the success of past events, like this one:

In this case, SAP highlights key announcements made during SAP TechED, covers keynote speeches and presentations, and emphasizes the educational value of the event.

The press release also outlines SAP’s strategic vision and future roadmap, keeping its target audience informed and excited about what’s ahead.

Check it out here.

3. New product launch press release example: Adobe

Got a new product launching soon? Use a product launch press release to create awareness around your product and brand. This way, you can reach a larger portion of your target audience and drive sales.

When writing this press release, make it all about your new product—but don’t oversell it.

Take Adobe’s recent news release announcing Adobe Express, for example.

Here’s why the press release works:

  • The product name (Adobe Express) is highlighted right away in the heading.
  • Subheadings provide a quick bullet breakdown of Adobe Express’s key features.
  • You get detailed information about Adobe Express’s USPs and features, along with how they benefit users.
  • There’s a brief overview of how other brands use Adobe Express to create on-brand content faster and more efficiently.

Check it out here.

4. Product improvement press release: ONYX

Product improvement press releases are just like product launch press releases. Except for the obvious difference: they focus on updates or upgrades to an existing product and what these changes mean for customers.

For example, ONYX recently announced its latest product improvements.

Here’s what ONYX gets right:

  • Explains the upgrades, such as redesigned water pumps and improved battery capacity, giving specific examples of the improvements.
  • Communicates the value of each enhancement, reassuring customers that these changes aim to improve durability and performance.
  • Illustrates ONYX’s dedication to providing reliable, high-performance products.

Check it out here.

5. Awards and recognition press release example: CoSchedule

If you’ve recently won an award or received recognition for excellence, don’t miss this opportunity—turn it into promotion and positive brand publicity.

Include key details like when your company received the award, why it matters, and why your company deserves it. You can also add a quote from senior management to highlight the company’s commitment to excellence.

When done right, awards and recognition news releases allow you to engage with a broader audience (customers, investors, and employees). You can educate them on your offering, creating a good impression.

At CoSchedule, we always share our achievements through press releases. Here’s an example:

Awards and recognition press release example: CoSchedule

Notice the clear headline that gets straight to the point. We explain the award process and why our product, Headline Studio, received the badges. Then end with a CTA, encouraging readers to check out Headline Studio for themselves.

Check it out here.

6. Partnership announcement press release: Sanofi, Formation Bio, and OpenAI

A partnership press release tells the public, stakeholders, and media you’re teaming up with another company(s), making the collaboration official and getting the word out there.

Use this press release to discuss the benefits of working together, thereby making the involved companies look good and trustworthy. Look at how Sanofi, Formation Bio, and OpenAI nailed this when announcing their partnership:

  • Clear purpose and benefits: They clearly state the purpose of their collaboration—to use AI to make developing drugs faster—and the benefits, like bringing new medicines to patients faster.
  • Quoting key leaders: They included quotes from top bosses at the companies. This made it more believable and showed that these leaders thought the partnership was a big deal.
  • Detailing each partner’s contribution: They specify what each partner brings to the table—Sanofi’s proprietary data, OpenAI’s AI capabilities, and Formation Bio’s tech—showing a well-rounded and strategic partnership.

Check it out here.

7. New hire press release example: HubSpot

Hiring a strong leader is a positive signal in the eyes of internal and external stakeholders and the public at large. Precisely why many companies issue a new hire press release.

HubSpot’s press release, for instance, introduces Carol Fong’s new role at HubSpot.

It talks about her experience in sales and leadership in the USA and Asia, especially in technology. It also explains how Fong will help HubSpot grow in Asia by leading sales and working with other teams.

The result? You can see why Fong is a good fit for HubSpot and how her skills can help HubSpot achieve its big-picture goals.

Lastly, quotes from Fong add a human touch to the press release, letting you connect with her on a more personal level.

Check it out here.

Similarly, you can use new hire press releases to:

  • Show your company is doing well and growing.
  • Present the new leader as an expert in their field, which builds trust with the media and others.

Aside from announcing a new hire, you can highlight an employee being promoted to an important position in the company or the fact that you’re hiring multiple employees.

8. Crisis management press release: Procter & Gamble

Crises can happen to any business.

Whether it’s a public scandal, lawsuit, or issues like product contamination or wrong labeling, a crisis management press release can help minimize the negative impact on your reputation, stakeholders, or operations.

It lets you take control, clarify the situation, and assure stakeholders that you are committed to effectively managing and resolving the crisis. Take Procter & Gamble’s recent press release about a product recall, for example.

Here’s what P&G does right:

  • Clearly states the problem—health risks from defective laundry detergent packaging—and provides crucial details about the affected products, including lot codes and distribution channels.
  • Offers clear instructions to consumers on what to do next, mentioning refunds, replacement products, and cabinet locks to prevent further incidents.
  • Includes helpful links and contact details for affected consumers to take action.

Check it out here.

9. Financial earnings press release example: Semrush

Financial earnings press releases act as your company’s report card for each quarter or year. You can use them to:

  • Communicate your financial performance to investors and stakeholders
  • Ensure compliance for publicly-held companies registered under the SEC

When writing this type of press release, start with the key details. Discuss your company’s revenue, dividends, and shareholder earnings, and present the information positively, even in case of losses.

Here are some tips you can pick up from Semrush’s financial results press release:

  • Make it digestible: Use bullets to highlight the main financial points.

Example of financial earnings press release: Semrush

  • Add context: Include quotes from key personnel to provide more insight into the company’s achievements.

Example of using quotes in press releases

  • Build trust: Share details about conference calls or webcasts where interested parties can discuss the financial results and business highlights.

Check it out here.

Take control of your company’s narrative

For your press release to be effective, it must reach the right audience, at the right time.

Start by identifying the key message you want to communicate, whether it’s a product launch, product improvement, or funding announcement. Collect all relevant details and data, including specifics about the product or event, quotes from key personnel, and any financial figures.

Next, draft your press release. You can use publicly available press release templates. Or try CoSchedule’s Press Release Generator to create professional press releases quickly. Once your press release is ready, distribute it through the appropriate channels to expand your reach and achieve your press release goals.