40 Effective YouTube Video Title Ideas To Boost Viewership

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Kohl Bloske

Published September 5, 2024
/ Updated October 8, 2024
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Published September 5, 2024
/ Updated October 8, 2024

Need help writing YouTube Video Titles?

In this guide, we will explain how to write effective  YouTube videos titles and provide 40 YouTube video title ideas to help inspire you to increase views and subscribers.

Why Are YouTube Titles So Important?

YouTube isn’t just another social media platform like TikTok or Instagram. It is a search engine, like Google, specifically for video content.

This means people actively search for content they’re interested in, and your YouTube title is the gateway to users discovering your videos.

A YouTube title greatly influences search engine optimization (SEO) and video ranking.

YouTube’s algorithm scans your titles for specific keywords and phrases and bumps your video higher in search results because of it.

How To Write YouTube Video Titles In 7 Easy Steps

Creating an effective YouTube Video Title isn’t always an easy task. There’s a lot of strategy and technique involved.

Follow these 7 easy steps to create a YouTube video title that increases views.

1. Use Simple And Clear Language

Create a title using elementary language that is relatively conversational.. Simplify your title to a 5th-grade reading level, making it easier to read and understand.


While we don’t necessarily recommend using one word to describe your video like this YouTube creator. Sometimes all you need is a short and concise title to get your point across.

The only exception: know your audience. If you are creating a video for a niche community that uses more advanced language, then you can use a more specific video title.

2. Optimize Title Length And Format

YouTube limits titles to 100 characters; however, long titles get cut off at a certain point.

Keep your YouTube video title between 60 and 70 characters for full visibility on both desktop and mobile.


The words up front grab the viewer’s attention. People have a low attention span, so get your point across at the beginning of the title.

In this example, the second title, “Grocery Shopping Tips – Daily Vlog #30,” is better because it puts the main keywords first, making the content clearer and more attractive to viewers.

Use title modifiers such as “How-to,” “Top 10,” or “Ultimate Guide” to gain more viewership. These are small things that can go a long way.


3. Be Honest And Direct

Avoid clickbait titles. Don’t trick viewers into watching the video.

If your content isn’t giving them what they want, then they will click off your video immediately.

As a result, your average watch time will decrease, and the algorithm will show your video to fewer people.

On the other hand, if your average watch time increases, so will your views. So, be honest about the content of your video in your title, even if you get fewer views right away.

4. Get Inspiration From Competitors

Search your topic on YouTube and scroll through the top videos.

Look for videos with lots of views but not many subscribers. This means the video is doing well, and YouTube is promoting this video.


Get inspiration from these videos. Look at the wording and structure of their titles, and incorporate them into your video titles.

5. Conduct Keyword Research

Keyword research

The process of identifying words and phrases that rank well in search engines such as Google and YouTube

Keywords should be included in not only your video title, but also the description, thumbnail, and tags.


When searching for “top travel destinations 2024”, this creator’s video is one of the top results. This is partly because he uses keywords like “2024”, “travel”, and “travel guide”.

However, finding the right keywords can be difficult.

Use keyword research tools like Ahrefs. This software suggests relevant keywords in your title to help it rank higher in search results.

Try our new YouTube Channel Keyword Generator today!

6. Add Hashtags To Your Video Titles

Hashtags allow YouTube to understand your content and target a specific audience.

If YouTube understands your content it will categorize it and show it to an audience that is interested in similar content.

Hashtags will also allow viewers to find these videos on the hashtag page.


How do I add hashtags to my YouTube videos?

At the bottom of your video’s description, add the # symbol and start typing words or keywords related to your topic. YouTube will give hashtag suggestions and choose which ones work best.

7. Utilize Title Analyzer Tools

Once you create your title, how do you know if it’s effective for YouTube SEO?

Use Headline Studio’s Analyzer Tool to not only give you feedback on SEO rankings but also generate alternative YouTube video titles for you.


What Is A YouTube Video Title Generator?

What if we told you it was possible to create an effective YouTube title in the blink of an eye?

Headline Studio’s YouTube title generator creates multiple titles at once so that you can choose the best title for your video. one for you.

It analyzes your titles, gives suggestions, and scores its SEO ranking compared to the competition.

40 YouTube Video Title Ideas

How-To And Tutorial Videos

  • “How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] in [Specific Time Frame]”
  • “Step-by-Step Guide: [Process or Skill]”
  • “Beginner’s Guide to [Topic]: Everything You Need to Know”
  • “Quick Tips: [Topic] for [Specific Audience]”
  • “Master [Skill or Tool] with These Simple Steps”

Listicle And Compilation Videos

  • “Top 10 [Product/Tools/Tips] You Must Try”
  • “Best [Product/Tools] of [Year]: Our Favorites Reviewed”
  • “Essential [Topic] Ti¡ps You Should Know”
  • “Most Amazing [Category] Transformations Caught on Camera”
  • “Our Favorite [Category] Hacks You’ve Never Seen Before”

Educational And Informative Videos

  • “The Science Behind [Phenomenon or Trend]”
  • “Understanding [Complex Topic] in Simple Terms”
  • “Facts You Didn’t Know About [Topic]”
  • “What Every [Audience] Should Know About [Topic]”
  • “Inside Look: [Behind-the-Scenes of Topic or Event]”

Entertainment And Lifestyle Videos

  • “Ultimate Guide to [Activity or Hobby]”
  • “Day in the Life of [Personality or Role]”
  • “Exploring [Location or Trend]: Our Adventure”
  • “Fun Challenges: [Challenge Name] vs. [Challenge Name]”
  • “Our Favorite [Category] Reactions and Reviews”

News And Trending Topics

  • “Breaking News: [Headline or Event] Explained”
  • “Latest Trends in [Industry or Niche]: What You Need to Know”
  • “Hot Topic Debate: [Topic] vs. [Opposing View]”
  • “Exclusive Interview with [Influential Figure or Celebrity]”
  • “Update: [Current Event] and Its Impact on [Industry or Audience]”

Reviews And Unboxings

  • “Unboxing the Latest [Product]: First Impressions and Review”
  • “In-Depth Review of [Gadget/Tech Item]: Is It Worth the Hype?”
  • “Testing the Top [Brand] Products: Which One Reigns Supreme?”
  • “Honest Review of [Service/Subscription]: What You Need to Know”
  • “Unboxing and Review: [Product] vs. [Competitor]”

Vlogs And Personal Experiences

  • “A Day in My Life: Behind the Scenes of [Event/Activity]”
  • “Weekly Vlog: How I Balance Work and Life”
  • “Travel Vlog: Exploring [Destination] with Me”
  • “My Morning Routine: How I Start My Day Energized”
  • “Weekend Vlog: [Activity/Adventure] and What I Learned”

YouTube Shorts And Quick Content

  • “Quick Tips: [Topic] in 60 Seconds”
  • “Instant Recipe: How to Make [Dish] in 1 Minute”
  • “Fast Facts: [Interesting Fact or Trivia]”
  • “One-Minute Challenge: [Fun Activity or Skill]”
  • “Quick Hacks: Improve Your [Skill/Task] Easily”

A Good Video Title Comes With Practice

There is no guarantee an effective YouTube video title will immediately increase your viewership. However, it will improve your chances of being noticed and attract more viewers over time.

The great thing about creating YouTube video titles is that you can change them at any time. Don’t be afraid to experiment with multiple titles to see what works best.


How Do I Make A Viral Title?

To create a viral YouTube video title, use relevant keywords, hashtags, and tags. Keep it concise and direct, but steer clear of clickbait to avoid misleading your audience.

What Are Some Powerful Words For A YouTube Title?

Using powerful words such as “ultimate”, “amazing”, “shocking” and “must-see” can strike your audience with strong emotions and curiosity. These powerful words make your title more engaging and can attract more viewers.

What Is A YouTube Title Generator?

A YouTube title generator is a tool that can generate and optimize titles for your YouTube videos. It can analyze your title and give you feedback on SEO rankings and keyword suggestions.

How Do I Title YouTube Shorts?

The best way to create YouTube Shorts titles is to keep them short and simple while still introducing your content in a way that catches the viewer’s attention.