Kanban Dashboard

Ready to organize your team’s projects with Kanban Dashboard?

Here are a few ways teams use Kanban Dashboard to manage work, track team progress, prioritize projects, and so much more!

**Kanban Dashboard is available in the Content Calendar and Marketing Suite. 

Manage Work Through Every Stage Of The Creative Process

Kanban Dashboard helps you manage projects as they move through every stage of the creative process. From idea, writing, design, review, and beyond, you can coordinate projects with ease. 

Kanban Dashboard in CoSchedule Calendars

Track Your Team’s Progress

Most teams use Kanban Board to track their team’s progress. Sort your Kanban Board by Project Status to easily visualize where all your team’s work – both scheduled and unscheduled- is at in the pipeline. To track your team’s progress, filter your Kanban Project Dashboard by status.

Kanban Dashboard filtered by project status

Review your Kanban Board during team meetings to identify if work is on (or off) track, identify bottlenecks, and determine if you need to adjust timelines or assignments.

You can create custom statuses that reflect your team’s actual workflow process. Here are a few custom statuses that may inspire your own.

Custom Statuses in CoSchedule

Create statuses that mirror your internal processes, so you can quickly identify what stage of the workflow any project is at in seconds. 

Build Your Perfect Kanban Board With Custom Statuses 

As you’re trying to determine which custom statuses you should add, think through your current workflows. 

Here are a few statuses that you could include:

Statuses For Project Backlog

  • New Requests 
  • Backlog 
  • On Deck 
  • Up Next

Statuses For Creation Stages

  • Write
  • Draft
  • Design
  • Create
  • In Progress
  • Social Promo
  • Staging

Statuses For Review Stages

  • Pending Review
  • Compliance Review
  • Legal Review
  • Pending Client Approval
  • Ready for Final Review
  • At Review
  • Needs Approval

Statuses For Finished Work

  • Scheduled
  • Completed
  • Done
  • Live
  • Published

You can add as many custom statuses as your team needs. Custom statuses should be clear, helpful, and straightforward – not confusing for your team.

With scheduled and unscheduled statuses, work progress can be better organized for personal and team views. 

Ready to set up your own custom statuses? Visit this help doc for the step-by-step process.

Get More Out Of Strategic Planning Meeting

In your next strategic planning meeting, transform the way you organize project ideas. 

Instead of storing proposed project ideas in spreadsheets, add them to a “Backlog Status” in your Kanban Board.

Create Projects In Kanban Board

This keeps all your great ideas in one place where you can easily prioritize them when you have capacity to take on new projects. 

Triage Incoming Requests From Other Departments

If your marketing team fields project requests from multiple departments across your organization, use Kanban Board to triage and prioritize your requests.

Filter your projects in your Kanban Board using Color Labels or Sub-Calendars for each internal department such as Sales.

Filter Kanban Board to see projects for specific departments

This gives you visibility into what projects you have in progress for the Sales team. You can use this view to confirm your team is working on the right projects for each department in priority order. 

Field Incoming Requests In Kanban Board Using Custom Statuses 

CoSchedule helps you submit and triage all of your stakeholder request forms. To get started, visit the Request Forms Power Tip.

Step 1: Create request forms to submit new project tickets. Add all the required information that your team would need to begin the project. 

Create request form

Step 2: Share links to your Request Form with your Stakeholders. They can use this to request website changes, new deliverables, updates to existing marketing assets, & more.  

Request Form in CoSchedule

When you setup this form, you’ll want to funnel these incoming requests to a specific Status (Incoming Requests) to easily organize them in Kanban Board.

Step 3: All incoming requests are automatically added to your “incoming requests” status. Form here, you can field & prioritize them from within your Kanban Board

Kanban Dashboard With New Requests Status

Enable Your Team To Manage Their Workload

There’s no need for your team members to wonder what is next on their to-do list when they can check their “on deck” projects. 

How to find on deck projects in Kanban Dashboard

Simply assign your team members “on deck” projects in the Kanban Board, so they can find and start on new projects if they need something new to work on throughout the week. 

This confirms they’re working on the right work in the right priority order.

Share Real-Time Updates With Stakeholders 

One of the top uses for Kanban Dashboard is to review projects with stakeholders.=

Create a Saved Project View for every client, stakeholder, or internal team.

Read-Only Views of Kanban Board

Pull up your Kanban Board during meetings or share via email, so they can review their active projects.

This works great for: 

  • Department Leads like Sales VP  – Create a Saved View of all Sales specific projects. 
  • Clients – Create a Saved View of all projects and for each of your clients.
  • Initiatives – Create a Saved View of all projects for a specific goal of initiative set by your leadership team for quick updates. 

These views are easy to create, and it helps you: 

  • Update stakeholders on the status of their projects in real-time 
  • Confirm deadlines and priorities are correct 
  • Remind them of required approvals when needed 
  • And more!

Share Progress Updates In Real-Time

Once you’ve got these read-only views setup, you can share the read-only links with stakeholders or clients. This will keep them informed of your team’s progress on their projects in real-time.

Read-Only Kanban View