Kanban Project Dashboard

**Kanban Project Dashboard is available only for Legacy Marketing Suite Plans. 

Ready to organize your team’s projects? Here are a few ways real teams use the Kanban Project Dashboard to manage their projects and get a pulse on their team’s work.

Track Your Team’s Progress

Most teams use the Kanban Project Dashboard to track their team’s progress. With the help of custom statuses, it’s easy to visualize where all of your work is at in your pipeline.

Review this during team meetings to identify if work is on (or off) track, identify bottlenecks, and determine if you need to adjust timelines or assignments.

All you need to do is filter your Kanban Project Dashboard by status.

By default, your team will have the following statuses outlined in CoSchedule.

Or create custom statuses that reflect your team’s actual workflow process. Here are a few custom statuses that may inspire your own.

Create statuses that mirror your internal processes, so you can quickly identify what stage of the workflow any project is at in seconds.

Ideas for Custom Statuses

As you’re trying to determine the custom statuses that make the most sense for your team, think through your current workflow. Here are a few statuses that you could include:

Statuses For The Creation Stages

  • Write
  • Draft
  • Design
  • Create
  • In Progress
  • Social Promo
  • Staging

Statuses For The Review Stages

  • Pending Review
  • Compliance Review
  • Legal Review
  • Pending Client Approval
  • Ready for Final Review
  • At Review
  • Needs Approval

Statuses For Finished Work

  • Scheduled
  • Completed
  • Done
  • Live
  • Published

You can add as many custom statuses as your team needs. Your custom statuses should be clear, helpful, and straightforward – not confusing for your team.

Ready to setup your custom statuses? Visit this help doc for the step-by-step process.

Review Work During Stakeholder Meetings

One of the top uses for Project Dashboard is to review projects during stakeholder meetings.

Create a Saved Project View for every client, stakeholder, or internal team.

Pull up the project dashboard during meetings, and review their active projects.

You can quickly update them on the status of their projects, confirm deadlines, and identify and remind them of required approvals (when needed).

Share Progress Updates In Real-Time

Once you’ve got these read-only views setup, you can share the read-only links with stakeholders or clients. This will keep them informed of your team’s progress on their projects in real-time.

They can quickly review what stage of the process their requests are at without having to contact your team for updates or schedule unnecessary meetings.

These are just a few ways your team can use the Kanban Project Dashboard to organize your projects. Customize views and statuses to tailor your dashboard for your team.

For more information on using the Kanban Project Dashboard, visit our help docs.