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Getting Started With CoSchedule for Power Users

Manage Your Social Strategy With CoSchedule

You can use CoSchedule to manage your social media strategy. In this lesson, you'll learn how to:

Plan Your Social Strategy

Your CoSchedule Calendar includes robust social media features to help you manage your social media strategy in one place.
This chapter highlights the best ways to use your new Calendar to proactively plan and execute your social media publishing schedule like a pro. You’ll learn how to create messages, publish them at the perfect time, use AI to create messages, build reports to measure performance, and more!

Create Social Messages On Your Calendar

 There are two primary ways to create social messages on your Calendar - stand alone messages and social campaigns.
  • Stand-alone social messages are great for one-off social messages you want to post on social media.
  • Social campaigns are a series of several, related social media messages that are published to your social media channels over an extended period of time. Social campaigns are usually used to promote blog posts, videos, events, or landing pages.
Pro Tip: Drive more traffic with social campaigns.

Schedule Messages On Your Calendar

 There are multiple ways to schedule messages on your Calendar. You can schedule messages one at a time. You can schedule campaigns, and you can also bulk schedule messages using a CSV file upload.

Schedule Stand-Alone Messages

To schedule a stand-alone message, you’ll need to:
  1. Click the “Create” button on your Calendar.
  2. Choose Social and then Social Message.
  3. This opens the Social Composer where you can draft your social message.
Schedule messages on your CoSchedule Calendar.

Schedule Social Campaigns

Social Campaigns allow you to send multiple messages using your different social media channels over a designated period of time. Social Campaigns help you:
  • Drive more traffic to specific content through continued promotion across multiple social channels
  • Reschedule social messages if timelines change
  • Report on specific campaigns with Social Campaign Reports in CoSchedule
There are two ways to schedule Social Campaigns in your Calendar. 1. Attach A Social Campaign To A Marketing Project If you are creating a social media campaign to promote another project - like a new blog post or an event, you can attach a Social Campaign directly to that project. This groups the social promotion of that content tied to the project’s publish date. To create a social campaign on an existing project, like this blog post, you will:
  • Open the project on your Calendar.
  • Add a “Social Campaign” project attachment.
Social Campaign project attachment in CoSchedule.
  • Click the plus sign to add a social message on a specific day.
  • Add the link to your blog post by clicking the link button at the top. This ensures all messages will include the same URL.
If you are not sure how to build your first social campaign, here’s a few best practices to consider. This can be customized based on the social channels you use. This example works great for content that is not tied to an event. social campaign schedule example 2. Schedule A Stand-Alone Social Campaign You can create stand-alone Social Campaigns for campaigns that don’t promote marketing projects on your Calendar. This could be a campaign that promotes partner content, a recent news story that pertains to your business, or positive user-generated content you want to promote. To create a stand-alone social campaign:
  • Click to add a new project to your calendar.
  •  Choose Social, then Social Campaign.
Add standalone social campaign in CoSchedule
  • Name your social campaign and apply any details like a color label, tags, or description.
  • Click the plus signs to add messages just like you did in the previous section.

Bulk Schedule Messages To Your Calendar

If you have been planning social messages in a spreadsheet, you can also Bulk Upload messages using the Bulk Social Upload feature. To access Bulk Social Upload, you’ll choose Create & More Options. Bulk social upload Then you’ll upload your customized CSV to add social messages to your Calendar. Bulk upload template example Learn how to use the Bulk Upload Template in this support doc. 

Publish Messages At The Perfect Time

Take the guesswork out of your social scheduling. Use built-in Best Time Scheduling to post your social messages at the best times for engagement. This takes the guesswork out of your social scheduling. According to research and best practices, your messages will be published at the best time possible for increased traffic, engagement, and reach. Best Time Scheduling in CoSchedule To use Best Time Scheduling, use the dropdown to select a “Best Time” timeframe from the list. Your Calendar will publish the messages on your behalf at the best time within that selected timeframe.

Use AI To Create Social Messages

 Wish you had help to create social messages? Have writer’s block? Try using CoSchedule’s AI Social Assistant. CoSchedule’s AI Social Assistant writes social messages for you, so you can focus on strategy instead of writing message copy. AI Social Assistant All you have to do is choose your social profile and click “Social Assistant” to get started. Chat with Mia or use an AI prompt to generate social message copy in seconds. Not sure what details to provide to write better messages? Here are a few prompts to try:
  • I want to promote an event - here are the details {include date, time, location, description of event, etc.}.
  • Create {number} messages about {topic}.
  • Write messages to promote this link {link}.
Once you see a message you like, click to add it to the social composer to schedule it. If you have a social channel selected, your AI Social Assistant will meet best practices for specific networks to maximize engagement. Generate AI social messages with CoSchedule.

Measure Performance With Social Analytics Reports

Creating social media reports can be time-consuming and tedious. CoSchedule has multiple Social Media Reports to help you translate data into usable, easy-to-understand reports. There are a handful of different reports, including:

Social Engagement Reports

This report gives you a high-level overview of your social media strategy’s performance. Use Social Engagement Report to:
  • Discover your top-performing content
  • Create and share professional reports with clients and stakeholders
  • See trends across your social profiles
  • Compare how your social profiles perform against each other

Social Campaign Reports

Use Social Campaign Reports to measure the success of specific campaigns. Social campaign report in CoSchedule

Social Profile Reports

Social Profile Reports give you insights into each profile’s best times to post, best days to post, and best message types. You can use this data to improve your social media strategy for each specific profile. Social Profile Report in CoSchedule