Create & Publish Social Campaigns For All Of Your Clients
Getting Started With CoSchedule For Agencies & Freelancers

Create & Publish Social Campaigns For All Of Your Clients

In This Lesson:

Introduction To Creating Social Campaigns For Your Clients

Do you create & publish social campaigns for clients? Do you promote your own agency on social media? You can create, schedule, & publish social campaigns in Agency Calendar to save you time & effort on social strategy for your own company or clients. What is this guide? This guide teaches you how to use Social Campaigns in Agency Calendar to create, organize, and schedule messages (including social approvals) for your clients. Who is this guide for? Marketing Agencies & Freelancers who want to manage their social campaigns in Agency Calendar.

Create A Social Campaign

You can schedule social media campaigns for all of your clients using CoSchedule Agency Calendar. This is a must-try feature if social media management is included in your lineup of services. In Agency Calendar, Social Campaigns include a series of social messages that are published to your social channels over an extended period of time. Create a new social campaign Use Social Campaigns to promote specific content or initiatives, like:
  • Videos
  • Events
  • Blog posts
  • Webpages
  • Product Launches
  • Company Announcements
  • Promotions
  • And more!
There are two ways you can schedule a social media campaign:

1. Attach A Social Campaign To An Existing Project Or Event

  • Open the project on your Client Calendar.
  • Add the “Social Campaign” attachment.
  • Click the plus sign to add social messages on specific days.
  • Add the link to your blog post or landing page by clicking the link button on the top.

Social campaign in project

2. Schedule A Stand-Alone Social Campaign

  • Click to add a new project to your calendar.
  • Choose “Social”, then “Social Campaign.”
  • Name your social campaign and apply important details - like publish date or tags.
  • Select which Client Calendar this campaign should live on.
  • Click the plus signs to add messages just like you did in the previous section.
When you add Social Campaigns to specific Client Calendars, this is the easiest way to visualize timelines and priorities for specific clients.  This also comes in handy for filtering data when creating Social Media Reports. If you have messages that are not part of a campaign, you can add these as stand-alone messages instead of adding them to a campaign.

Share Social Messages To Your Clients For Final Review

Your Agency Calendar includes built-in Social Approvals to help you streamline communication and collaboration with your clients. This gives clients easy-access to offer input and provide approvals before any messages publish to their social profiles. Social Media Messages awaiting approval in Approval Dashboard If you have clients that want more oversight and control, this makes collaborating easy. They will receive an email notification when they have messages to review, and they can review them in an easy-to-use Approval Dashboard. This helps your team ensure content meets your client’s standards, goals, and brand voice every time.

Add Required Approvers On Social Messages

Social Approvals empower your clients to have final say on messages before they publish. You can add approvers to any message on your Client Calendars. Here’s how: 
  1. Draft your social messages in a Social Campaign.
  2. Click Approvals to select a required "Approver" or "Approvers" for this message.
Add social approvers to social messages.   Approvers will receive notifications within their Agency Calendar when approvals are needed to be accepted or denied. Notification In-App that messages are awaiting approval Approvals can be granted by viewing the project, social message or task and confirming the approval button. If there are many messages awaiting approval, Approvers can visit the Approvals Dashboard for a complete, real-time list of all the messages they need to review.

Who Can Approve Messages?

You can individually select which clients and/or team members to be approvers on client social messages. Under settings, you can add a client as a guest user. From your Team Member settings, you can grant clients approver status. Add approvers to social messages

Add Clients As Approvers In Your Agency Calendar

Step 1) Invite client to your Agency Calendar as a guest or approver role to assign approver access. Step 2) Add the client as a required approval on specific social messages, social campaigns, and/or social templates. Step 3) Client reviews messages in their Approval Dashboard. Messages won't publish without their approval.
  • Past Due Messages & Messages Pending Approval will appear with a yellow dot on the Calendar.
  • Approved Messages will appear with a green dot on the Calendar.
It is important to note that past due messages will not be published if they have not been approved. They will remain in the pending category until the client has reviewed them. Pending Approval Messages Clients can also leave comments on specific messages as needed. Your team can use this feedback to make changes without required extra meetings or follow-up time. 4) Once approved, messages will automatically publish at their scheduled date/time.

Use AI To Create Social Messages For Clients

Leveraging AI to draft social messages can significantly enhance your agency's productivity and creativity. CoSchedule's AI Social Assistant writes social messages for you, so you can focus more time on strategy and less time writing copy. All you have to do is choose your social profile and click "Social Assistant" to get started. AI Social Assistant Then chat with Mia or use a pre-built prompt to generate a social message copy in seconds. Write social messages with aI Not sure what details to provide to write better messages? Here are a few prompts you can try to get started:
  • Give Mia event details, such as time, date, location, and description to write messages to promote your event
  • Create [number] social messages about [topic]
  • Write [number] Instagram social messages to promote my [product, service or offer]
  • Write 5 different social messages promoting this blog post [link]
  • Write a few different social messages promoting [topic] specific to [Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn]
  • Write a social message to announce [product, enhancement, service, event]
See a message you like? Click to add it to your composer & schedule it! And best of all, every message meets best practices for specific social networks, so you can maximize engagement. Let CoSchedule's AI Social Assistant instantly draft social messages for you, so you can deliver additional value to your clients in less time. Agency Guide Chapter 4 CTA