Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR):

Annual recurring revenue refers to the monetary value of a subscription-based company’s subscriber base or yearly value of a single subscription. This metric is most often used to measure yearly revenue for subscription services (such as software services like CoSchedule, Spotify, or Adobe’s Creative Cloud). It is commonly abbreviated as ARR, and it tightly related to MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue).

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How to Calculate ARR

The math here is fairly simple. Here are some examples:

  • A customer subscribes to a service for $10 a month on a one-year contract. To find the correct number, multiply the monthly cost by 12. This equals $120.
  • Another customer subscribes for $20 a month on a two-year contract. This would be $480 for the duration of the contract, or $240 per year.
  • Finally, a third customer pays $5 per month, on a month-to-month contract. The ARR would be calculated by how long they remain a customer (up to $60 per year if they remain on the contract for at least 12 months).
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